013 692 4405


10 Industrial Crescent, Ext 25

The Company was founded in 1977 by Rohan Vos and Roelf Vermeulen. In 1981 Hennie Coetzee started managing the Company and in 1985 he purchased East Auto Radiators from Rohan Vos.

In 2007 Hennie Coetzee was joined by his son Ruan Coetzee. By 2014 Ruan Coetzee acquired 50% of the shares in East Auto Radiators. In March 2016 East Auto Radiators became a 51% black owned company. John Mophethe was appointed as director in 2021 and in 2022 Kolosa Mbuyane joined as Commercial Director.






We pride ourselves on our quality of workmanship and professional service.

We understand our customers’ needs and know the importance of turnaround time and delivering a quality product at a competitive price.


East Auto Radiators through the year have built good relationships with most of the O.E.M Companies Including: Barloworld-Equipment, Komatsu, Hitachi.

Our long-term relationship with most of the major mining companies in South Africa is proof of the quality of service and the products we deliver.


East Auto Radiators is committed to Transformation.

We are a 51% Black-owned Company and a level 2 contributor.

51% Black-Owned Company

(Level 2 Contributor)

ISO 9001:2015 Accedited

Silverton Radiators Franchise since 1985

East Auto Radiators specialize in the supply, clean, recondition and manufacturing of Radiators, Oil Coolers, Fuel Tanks, Heat Exchangers and Fans for all vehicles and earthmoving equipment. Many other companies have combined the supply and service of radiators with other services, but East Auto Radiators have maintained our focus purely on delivering a professional service of the cooling system.

East Auto Radiators through the years have built good relations with most of the O.E.M Companies including, Barloworld-Equipment, Komatsu and Hitachi.



We carry Stock of popular Radiators, Cooler and Fans.

East Auto Radiators in the past few years expanded our stock holding of new units in Heavy Duty Aluminium Plate and Bar construction.

This move was motivated by the industry and worldwide trend of moving away from Copper to aluminum construction as the latter provides better cooling and is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to manufacture.


All Radiators and Coolers undergo an intense cleaning process through chemical cleaning and power flushing.

Pressure testing is done to ensure the quality of repairs and assemblies. Our cleaning and testing procedures are audited annually as part of our ISO accreditation.

We give our clients the best quality products we have available and build a good relationship with all our clients.



The idea behind our Parts Exchange is simple we want to keep your equipment moving. Our current service exchange range consists of:

  • Caterpillar Dump Truck Radiators & Fans
  • Caterpillar Dozer Radiators & Fans
  • Caterpillar Grader Radiators
  • Komatsu Dump Truck Radiators
  • Komatsu Dozer Radiators
  • Hitachi Excavator Radiators

Please contact us for Service Exchange unit availability.


All repairs, Reconditioning, Retubes and Recores are done as per original specifications.

Customers can expect a Quality Product and Service delivered at a competitive Price.

Recondition, Service and Supply of all


and Automotive Radiators

and Heat Exchanges

Since 1977


Our facility was designed specifically for the handling and reconditioning of Radiators. Dedicated workstations for Flushing, Solder repairs, Bolt on repairs, Painting and Engineering works.

Specific attention was also given to the handling of oil sludge in an environmentally friendly manner. Workshop and procedures are audited annually by the SABS.

East Auto Radiators rely on our own fleet of vehicles for all transport purposes. We employ five full time drivers to ensure quick and timeous collections and deliveries. Our trucks comply to all the necessary safety standards for all locations where we collect and deliver.